Burger King
BK Minis
If you don't want to worry about people stealing your piping-hot mini sandwiches, then maybe you should buy yours from somewhere other than BK.
Burger King
The BK Crown Program
The kids meal has been the same for the last 30 years. It needed to be reimagined as a new experience for kids–one that inspires them to have fun, use their imaginations, and make a difference. That's what the Crown does. From the logo, to television, to the menu, to the packaging of the box, the chocolate milk, and even the Crown itself, we gave kids and parents a whole new way to experience Burger King.

Burger King
Tender 8 social media promotion
This facebook app was designed to spread the word via social media about the all new white meat chicken tenders at BK. You would assign a facebook friend and their face to each chicken tender in an 8 piece meal. Once you did this you got a coupon for an additional 8 free tenders with the purchase of tenders meal. Your friends would then get the notice to do the same and so on and so on. This promotion was so successful that BK ran out of chicken tenders within the first week of the promotion. Over 200,000 coupons were downloaded.